Here’s a small animated SVG snippet of a loading spinner.
Since it’s a SVG, it scales well and can inherit the color,
so very customizable. It’s already animated so you don’t need
to add keyframes
and hence I found it very flexible.
The below SVG can also be converted into a React component or
perhaps a const
and used in React projects.
<svg version="1.0" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 128 128">
<path d="M59.6 0h8v40h-8V0z" fill="#000" />
<path d="M59.6 0h8v40h-8V0z" fill="#ccc" transform="rotate(30 64 64)" />
<path d="M59.6 0h8v40h-8V0z" fill="#ccc" transform="rotate(60 64 64)" />
<path d="M59.6 0h8v40h-8V0z" fill="#ccc" transform="rotate(90 64 64)" />
<path d="M59.6 0h8v40h-8V0z" fill="#ccc" transform="rotate(120 64 64)" />
<path d="M59.6 0h8v40h-8V0z" fill="#b2b2b2" transform="rotate(150 64 64)" />
<path d="M59.6 0h8v40h-8V0z" fill="#999" transform="rotate(180 64 64)" />
<path d="M59.6 0h8v40h-8V0z" fill="#7f7f7f" transform="rotate(210 64 64)" />
<path d="M59.6 0h8v40h-8V0z" fill="#666" transform="rotate(240 64 64)" />
<path d="M59.6 0h8v40h-8V0z" fill="#4c4c4c" transform="rotate(270 64 64)" />
<path d="M59.6 0h8v40h-8V0z" fill="#333" transform="rotate(300 64 64)" />
<path d="M59.6 0h8v40h-8V0z" fill="#191919" transform="rotate(330 64 64)" />
values="0 64 64;30 64 64;60 64 64;90 64 64;120 64 64;150 64 64;180 64 64;210 64 64;240 64 64;270 64 64;300 64 64;330 64 64"